January 8, 2022Inauguration of board members of the Competitive African Rice Platform in Nigeria & Orientation of the Technical Working Committees
May 23, 2022
This information has been issued by the Fit For Market SPS programme, A COLEACP programme, funded by the EU and the OACPS.
The EU has introduced new legislation to amend plant health rules covering False Codling Moth (FCM, Thaumatotibia leucotreta). The new draft regulation has been submitted to the WTO for a feedback period, and will be applied from 11th April 2022.
FCM is listed as a priority pest under EU plant health regulations ((EU) 2019/1702). Unfortunately, as this pest has been intercepted on several host plants in recent months during EU border controls, stricter rules have now been introduced. The new requirements target, in particular, countries that have been using options to export under FCM-free places of production (option C), or a systems approach for FCM control (option D).
The draft regulation introduces new FCM-related rules for the following crops:
- Revised import requirements for fruits of Capsicum, Citrus (other than Citrus aurantiifolia, Citrus limon), Prunus persica, and Punica granatum L. (point 62 of the annex)
- Specific import requirements for Citrus sinensis (point 62.1 of the annex)
Action needs to be taken to protect exports of these crops to the EU from 11th April. The most important points to note are for countries exporting these crops according to the options (c) “pest free place of production” or (d) “systems approach/post-harvest treatment”:
- The NPPO must send a list of production site codes in advance in writing to the European Commission (EC)
- Details of the systems approach (or the post-harvest treatment method) for FCM must be communicated in advance to the EC together with documentary evidence of its effectiveness.
- Prior to export, the fruits must be inspected (by the NPPO) for the presence of FCM, including destructive sampling of 10% of the visually inspected fruits
- For every consignment, the code for the production site must be included on the phytosanitary certificate. (Alongside the description of the product, you must write the unique identification number or name of the approved production site).
- In the Additional Declaration, the NPPO must copy and paste the Option selected by the country. For example, for Option (c), copy and paste the following text: “ The consignment complies with Option (c) of Points 62 of Annex VII to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2072: no signs of Thaumatotibia leucotreta to which those fruits are known to be susceptible, have been observed at the place of production and in its immediate vicinity since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation, on official inspections carried out at least monthly during the three months prior to harvesting, and none of the fruits harvested at the place of production has shown, in appropriate official examinations, signs of the relevant pest, and information on traceability is included in the phytosanitary certificate ”
Click here to see more details, and all of the texts needed for the Additional Declaration